9th june ,2021

case of 48years female patient with dengue


MBBS 8th semester 

roll no:127

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .


I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient 

clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.


A 48 yrs old female patient presented with chief complaints;

  • fever since 5 days
  • vomiting and pain abdomen since 3 days

history of present illness:

  • patient was apparently asymptomatic 5days back she had high grade fever which was intermittent and not associated with chills and rigors
  •  3days back and developed per abdominal pain and vomiting 
  • pain type: colicky type
  • and she had an 2-3 episodes of vomiting per day which was non-projectile and non-bile stained
  • generalized weakness and decrease appetite since 3 days
went to local hospital and was diagnosed dengue positive and was referred to our hospital as her platelet count was low

history of past illness:

no H/O cough ,cold, SOB
no H/O loose stools, bleeding gums
no H/O any rash over body
no other complaints
not a k/c/o: DM, HTN, Asthma, epilepsy, CAD, TB

treatment history: 

no previous treatment history

personal history:

appetite-decreased since 3days
bowl and bladder movements- normal
no allergies
no addictions

familial history:

not significant

physical examination:

Patient was examined in a well lit room, after taking informed consent.
conscious, coherent, cooperative, well-nourished, well -oriented to time, place, person

 Pallor: no

     Icterus: no

     Cyanosis: no

     Lymphadenopathy: no

    Edema: no 

    Clubbing of fingers: no


    temperature:100degrees F 



    BP:130/80mm Hg


systemic examination:

 CVS: S1 & S2 heard 

           no murmurs and cardiac thrills


no dyspnoea

no wheeze

position of trachea is central

breath sounds-vesicular



  the shape of the abdomen: scaphoid


   Tenderness- present in right hypochondrium, epigastrium, umbilical

    no palpable mass

   hernial orifices: normal

   liver and spleen not palpable

percussion :

liver span: normal


  bowel sounds: yes 

CNS: intact



USG abdomen:

gallbladder wall edema
mild ascites
right kidney mild hydronephrosis

chest x-ray

hematology report

WBC : lymphocytic leucocytosis
platelet : thrombocytopenia 

blood group: AB+ve

bilirubin level: 

total bilirubin: elevated

 direct bilirubin: elevated


blood urea:

serum electrolytes:

probable diagnosis: 

dengue as the test for NS1 antigen is positive.


  • i.v fluids: normal saline or ringer lactate at rate of 150ml/hr
  • TAB.PAN 40MG OD in morning before breakfast
  • INJ. OPTINUERON 1ampule in 100ml NS IV/OD
  • BP/PR/TEMP/SPO2 monitoring every 4hours
  • W/F bleeding manifestation




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